
Friday 6 December 2013

You are watching Benjamin and Jarrod's webquest!

In room 7, we are making a webquest. We had to choose from television, radio, computer, telephone, satellite and printer. The good thing about my presentation with Jarrod was that we learnt something new. The thing we need to continue to work on is the color contrast.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

The true meaning of Advent!

In R.E, we are using We chose a video and we stopped at where we think was important and we wrote notes. This is a video about the true meaning of Advent. 

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Advent symbols of Aotearoa

In R.E, we are learning about natural symbols of Advent in New Zealand. I have made a poster to show these symbols.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

My mom's vegetarian birthday

On a dark Saturday, my normal family and some important people at the Chinese temple went to a famous Chinese restaurant to celebrate my normal  mom's birthday. I was going to order happily some sweet and sour pork but my happy mom said normally that we’re allowed to eat vegetarian food so I ordered quickly some spring rolls but that was meat too and I got angry quickly.

I was getting bored while waiting for some food and I forgot to bring my Nintendo so my auntie gave me her phone. After I played on the phone, we had some soup but it was too hot so I let it cool down and continued to play on the phone and food finally came. We ate fried beans, vegetarian fish, crispy noodles and some cooked vegetables with an edible bowl made out of crispy noodles.

After I ate, I was full and my auntie bought the cake but left it in the fridge. So we went home. When we got home, my cousin was already there with her friend. We took out the delicious cake, sang happy birthday, eat the cake, my cousin and her friend went back home and went to sleep.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

The basketball star Slam !

One day a kid had a dream of being the world’s best basketball player and entering the world basketball tournament and his name was Slam. As he got older, he became a basketball player and was the leader of the NBA Globetrotters. He has black hair, a brown skin tone, a red, yellow and orange top, green and purple pants and a pair of multi-coloured shoes.

Others thought of him as a role model but other teams were jealous of him and tried to beat him by cheating so when Slam entered the tournament, they did too. Slam and his team kept on trying but the other team kept on blocking them by cheating so Slam let them win.

Once the other team won they entered world tournament continued to win by cheating.They kept beating Slam every single year because Slam kept on letting them win. When the winning team retired and never bugged Slam and his team ever again.

After they retired, the NBA Globetrotters entered the tournament and they won. They entered the world tournament and came second place. They continued to enter the tournament every year but they always came second place. When they retired, they trained newbies that had the same dream and hope of coming first.

Friday 8 November 2013

Can filled with probability

In Room 7 we are learning about probability for Maths.
The probability for fishy fish is
Ratio: 1:2:2 Fresh fish 1/6 20% 0.2

The probability for Worm juice is
Worm juice 2/6 40% 0.4

The probability for Slimy slug is
Slimy slug 2/6 40% 0.4


Wednesday 6 November 2013

Probability cans

    In Room 7 we are learning about probability for Maths. 

The probability for fresh fish is:

Ratio 3:1  Fresh fish 1/4 25% 0.25

The probability for cabbage is:

                Cabbage 3/4 75% 0.75 

Tuesday 22 October 2013

brain activity

In room 7, we have been going on a site to see how active our brain is. The number tells us what age our brain is functioning at. This website helps us in our learning because it improves our accuracy and speed in using our operations.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

A good paintball proposal

On Saturday, My mom and I went shopping at Pak’n’Save but first we had to go to the food court so we could get something to eat. On our way to the food court, we saw a small paintball advertisement area and the guy explained all the different types of modes and areas that we could go on. The guy also said that if we bought four tickets, we get sixteen tickets for free, so my mom and I bought four tickets for next year’s birthday and lucky for us, the tickets expires in one year.

On our way to the food court, I decided to go to EB games to buy a 3D game for my 3DS. Once we arrived at the food court, we ate some Japanese food. My mum ordered Teriyaki tofu don and I ordered Teriyaki chicken don with chicken Katsu.

When we headed to Pak’n’Save, we saw Massad singing but we ignored him and continued on to Pak’n’Save. Once we were there, my mum bought some bread, dog food, bug spray and that’s all I can remember. When we were going to the carpark, I hurt my leg so I had to sit in the car and wait for my mum so we could go home.

Monday 30 September 2013

Bad lemon fizzy drink

The chemical reaction that’s in this experiment is when the acid in the lemon touched the baking soda (which was the base), it created bubbles made out of carbon dioxide.    

Monday 23 September 2013

America Cup winners!

In room 7, we are looking at the America's Cup and we had to make a timeline showing the winners of the America's Cup. Through this, we learnt about the history of America's cup because it's part of New Zealand culture.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

My day at the temple

In the weekends, I went to the temple for my Chinese class. When I got there, another class was still in session so I had to wait in another room and it was a mess. Once it was my turn, I had a test that was pretty easy. When I finished that, I had to do some work in my book. I wrote some Chinese characters and finished off some sentences. I also did some worksheets.

When I was finished, I got a snack similar to fruit chews and something else that looks like an egg roll. I had to wait because my mum haven’t finished packing up. Once my mum finished packing up, I closed the gates and we went back home.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Virtues Of Saint Patrick!

          We are learning about virtues. Virtues are ways or things that lead to good. We had to make a poster of someone that inspires us.                               

Tuesday 21 May 2013

The three legends

On Saturday, I went to my writing class and when I got there, there was a surprise. A pipe that was  connected to the building was gushing out water. I checked to see if there was any water next to where my mum parked her car and there was none, so I went to my class.

Once I have entered the class, we read some myths and legends. One of them was about a thunderbird that makes thunder every time he blinks and controls the rain. He has a bad habit of stealing beautiful girls. A man whose last name was Arrow went to the place where the thunderbird lived and tried to get back his wife Red Rose and he succeeded. The thunderbird gave him a sacred medicine that looked like a pipe. He said that when it is Spring, blow into the pipe and he will know not to steal girls and terrorize the village.

The other legend was about a rainbow serpent that guarded waterholes. He came to a village and wanted a place to live and the people at the village welcomed him. But one day he was hungry and when it was raining, two boys went into his house to take shelter but they ran straight into his mouth. The serpent ran away and the villagers went to find the serpent to get the two boys back but they needed help. Two lizard men said that they will help them. They saw that he was coiled in a mountain and cut him but they still couldn’t find the boys. Instead, two parrots flew out and the villagers went back home and in the end  the serpent turned into a rainbow, watching over the humans.

The last legend was about Thor and his hammer, Mjolnir. When Thor woke up, he couldn’t find his hammer and he searched everywhere. His brother Loki turned into a falcon and searched for his hammer. He returned and told Thor that the ice giant took it and wouldn’t give it back unless the ice giant married the goddess of love. Loki had a plan to disguise Thor to be the bride and so he could take back his hammer. Thor didn’t like the plan but he wanted to get Mjolnir back so he agreed. He went to the ice giant’s place disguised as the bride and ate a lot of food. When it was time to kiss, he took his hammer back and I couldn’t remember the rest.

Once we finished reading the myths, I went to my mum’s car and we went back home.             

Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Traditional Prayer of Mary

We are learning the Angelus Prayer in Room 7. We say the prayer so that we can take a break and give our time to God.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Personal Profile

My name is Benjamin and I'm a  year 7 student at St Patrick School. I like maths and playing video
games. I like to eat anything that I can eat and I have a dog name Tako. I'm an only child and my favorite sport is soccer. Come and  Follow me on my blog so that you can look at my awesome work.